Sunday, May 16, 2010

Naked Fun at the 2010 Bay to Breakers

Once a year, the folks of San Francisco, CA, fly their freak flag high (well, higher than usual) at the 12k Bay to Breakers. It's basically a walking/running party, so Christi, Sophie, and I decided to join in on the fun for the 99th running this Sunday.

"Daddy, that man is NAKED!", exclaimed Sophie as soon as we arrived. This would be a statement we would hear about every 10 minutes over the next three hours. Christi, always the artist and seeing the value of self-expression simply replies, "that's right, honey, isn't it great?".We were too last minute to sport costumes of our own, but that didn't seem to bother anyone.

There were some great costumes, per usual:

Plenty of centipedes...

Baby's got back!

The Na'vi came all the way from Pandora (Avatar).

A pack of Elvi...

Snow White poses with her dwarves, Trashy and Flirty...
note the "mirror on the wall" in the background too.

I'm sure those boots are keeping them warm...

A 21-bun salute!

Sophie had a pretty good seat most of the race...

At the finish!

No Footstock concert this year (let's hope they bring that back for the 100th running next year), so we had to make our own fun at the end. A fun afternoon!

- SD


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. wooooow I'm gonna have to do this at some point! PS: You guys are very cool 'rents

  3. LOL - love the 21 bun salute! Too funny.

  4. Sounds like a great experience! Can't think of any races here in Chicagoland that involve so many costumes; my kids would love to see something lie that.

  5. After I get Big Sur checked off my list, I'm heading back for Bay to Breakers! BTW, your daughter is adorable.

  6. With the word "naked" in your post title, you are bound to get a lot of new traffick!

  7. That's just awesome! What else I say? The bear bums are priceless.

    Interval Running Man

  8. Good writeup of the event with a nice representative selection of pics. ;)

    I love your wife's response to Sophie, it's just perfect.

    Speaking of, were they at the SFMOMA in the afternoon?

    We were in the B corral with some friends and ran it, but unfortunately got quite cold at the end so we bailed. Next year we'll have to bring warm clothes if the weather repeats itself, as I think we missed a big part of the party--B2B is perhaps the only race where with the walkers is the cool place to be. ;-P

  9. This Bay to Breakers video is awesome! I think it really captures the essence of San Francisco.


  10. You are right, that is a great video! I added it above.

    Thx, SD


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