Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Do's and Do Not's of Running Your First Marathon - The Latest Gold from The Oatmeal

If you aren't already familiar with The Oatmeal (of BLERCH fame), you should check out Matthew Inman's comic genius for runners. His latest, the Do's and Don'ts of Running Your First Marathon, has some classic insights. Here are a few of my favorites:

(Read that commentary on the photo order true!)

Be sure to head to The Oatmeal to see all of it, and check out his upcoming book, The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons Why I Run, now available for pre-order.



  1. Matthew is a genius at capturing the truth and absurdity in things, and is especially great at the running angle. I can't wait for his book.

  2. What do you love and what you share them as well as I could understand what was brought.


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