Thursday, February 27, 2014

Boston Marathon Bags the Bags (and other items)

If you're planning to run the Boston Marathon this April, be prepared to donate some clothing at the start this year. A recent e-mail to runners highlighted their new bag/gear check policy which has definitely been adjusted for a post-bombing reality. New policies include the following:
  • No bags on the buses, start, or finish of the race. You can only bring what you wear and a small fanny pack of goodies, and all other clothing tossed at the start will be donated to charity. If you want to leave some clothes near the finish (a half mile away at the Boston Commons), a gear check using clear bags will be provided. 
  • No backpacks, handbags, suitcases, rolling bags, strollers, or personal hydration systems such as Camelpaks. A small fanny pack or fuel belt is allowed.
  • No vests with pockets, costumes that are bulky or cover the face, large props or flags, military or fire gear, or any item bigger than 5 inches x 15 inches x 5 inches. 
  • No glass containers, or any container that can hold more than one liter of liquid. I'm assuming small pressure cookers are also unadvised.
  • Also worth noting - you must pick up your own number this year, no friends or family. I also get the impression they will not be friendly to anyone hoping to bandit the course. 
But in exchange, all runners do get these handsome Heatsheet® Warmth Retention Capes at the finish, suitable for wearing around the house or on business casual days at work. Also, no mention of beer or cameras being banned, so my fundamental Boston experience should be intact.
I'm sure some sponsor will have some toss-able clothes to hand out at the Expo, but just in case you they don't (and you aren't one of the uber-elites on the private bus), be sure to bring some weather-appropriate stuff you won't miss. See you there!

- SD


  1. Hopefully you won't have to walk a mile to get your heatsheet like you had to in nyc this year.

  2. I wonder if there has been an instance in the history of the world where a runner in a footrace was ever a suicide bomber. I think the new restriction would only address this case.

  3. Hi Scott,

    My name is Allie and I'm a journalism major at Penn State. I'm writing an article on the 2013 Boston Marathon, and I'm wondering if I can interview you via email. Let me know what you think! My email is


  4. Yeah. too bad they are forced to take these steps. They are also barring bandit runners from the course - so I'm out!


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