Sunday, May 26, 2013

Great Video of Sun Mountain Race

Check out this beautiful race recap video by Steven Foreman and Rainshadow Running about the Sun Mountain Race in Winthrop, WA. Looks amazing. Thanks, Eric!

Sun Mountain Race from CuziFilms on Vimeo.


  1. Love the video! Can't wait to be able to do something like that.

  2. 2 comments: first, 50 miles of buff singletrack. Wow! Why do I live in New England?!

    Second, thanks, Scott for being one of the (if not the) first ultrarunning bloggers I read before my first 50k in 2010. Now, a bunch of ultras later (including my first 100m last month), I still enjoy your posts and contributions to the ever-expanding ultra-blogosphere. Thanks!

  3. thanks for posting our race video scott!


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