Saturday, January 19, 2013

Lance Armstrong Movie Set For JJ Abrams and Paramount Pictures

(Lance Armstrong, photo courtesy of Joel Sagat)

What's next for Lance Armstrong? The news feed says a major motion picture is in the works.

According to, Paramount Pictures and Bad Robot partners JJ Abrams and Bryan Burk are going to make a movie about the epic rise and fall of doping bicyclist Lance Armstrong. They’ve just closed a deal for screen rights to Cycle Of Lies: The Fall Of Lance Armstrong, a proposal for a book that will be written by Juliet Macur for HarperCollins. Macur is a sports reporter for The New York Times, and she has covered Armstrong for over a decade, through the cyclist’s recovery from deadly cancer to his capturing seven Tour de France title, and covering the doping allegations.

(Banksy-inspired graffiti spotted in Los Angeles, CA)
I guess once they saw Act III play out on Oprah this week, the screenplay was ready! The modern day Icarus.

Okay, no more Lance postings, I promise.


  1. Oh man. A Lance movie. I think endurance athletes might be torn on whether to view/support it or not. I love the Icarus allusion. Good stuff.

  2. I'm thinking Kate Hudson as Sheryl Crow,Patrick Dempsey as Lance.

  3. I will still go see the movie, but this is just terrible.

    Why not Mark Wahlberg for lance?


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