Thursday, March 08, 2012

Stefaan Engels Runs A Marathon A Day For A Whole Year - That's 365 Marathons!

Belgian Stefaan Engels, already a world record holder for running 20 Ironman races in a single year, smashed the world record of most consecutive marathons of 52 by upping the bar to 365. Yup, 365 marathons in 365 days.
(Engels finishes his 365th consecutive marathon in Barcelona)

Engels averaged around four hours to complete a marathon, and ran - not walked - every one. He said his best time was 2 hours, 56 minutes. That's pretty impressive!

You can read more about his story on CNN and ESPN.


  1. Hi, look at this spanish who has already run 500 marathons consecutive.
    He wants to do 1000 marathons, crazyyy

  2. I bet he can eat ANYTHING he wants!!!

  3. Were they official courses, some official races? I read he traveled a lot. Two-a-day? Who was certifying? Media, documentation? Kind of Dean or Lisa S-B? Not that I doubt it, just wonder when it becomes a record, what if someone runs 26 miles a day for training? That old Canadian guy who holds marathon records in various age groups, he runs 20 miles every other day, you know, so someone could claim to do 26 (and do do it).

  4. Alain Boutefeu3/09/2012 08:25:00 AM

    Used to know him when I grew up. A little bit nutty, but his heart is in the right place. One of his main objectives is to get people running, moving, and be healthier. BTW he did 20 full Ironmans in ~2009
    Of course he has already a movie out, 'Marathonman'. Not sure if it will come to the US. Here's a preview
    Olga, not all courses were races, but all courses were certified as far as i know.

  5. That just sounds insane! Can his body actually handle running that much. I thought 52 was a lot in a single year. 365 just sounds like his body would break down. If he is doing it this year, why not 366?

  6. How in the world did Stefaan do it? Seriously, are there any negative impacts of running as much as he did in one year?

  7. That is absolutely crazy! (In a good way of course)


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