Sunday, May 15, 2011

Our New Toy - A Running Rickshaw!

We've got a great new toy - a rickshaw! Here is Sophie and I tooling around the Stanford campus...


  1. That is a very cool gadget! Where did you find it?

  2. So that's what you made. Looks cool and shame you couldn't use it today.

  3. AH! Cool! Bet Sophie LOVED it!

  4. Don't know if my last comment actually posted - but that looks like way too much fun!

  5. Yes, it was supposed to make its debut at Bay to Breakers, but I didn't catch that they were not allowing wheeled vehicles this year. But we're still having fun with it.

    I found it by searching around online for rickshaws (turns out there are a few co's making them, retailing for $1500-$3700), and luckily found a used one in Palo Alto. Elliot Wright, a trail runner/triathlete whom I had ironically just met a few months ago on the trail, had this rickshaw custom made as a bike trailer for his pedicab business. All we had to do was rig up some handles and we were good to go!

    It's surprisingly easy to pull, although my shoulders are getting a serious workout.


  6. That's a pretty slick rickshaw and good workout taboot. A number of rickshaws haul folks around at night here in downtown Raleigh, but with a bike attached of course. Needless to say, It seems like an incredible workout.

  7. This blog has a lot of information and tips related running and fitness.Thanks for sharing it.

  8. You're ready for a job in Calcutta, just as the Indian government is trying to get rid of human rickshaws. It seems they are seen as too demeaning.

  9. It is very funny, just a few minutes before I found your blog, I got off the phone with a perfrormance wheel chair builder that is interetested and building a ricsha for me, and as luck would have it , he is only a mile away. I am glad to see yours on here and it looks like you passenger is having so much fun! do you have any recommendations?

  10. Awesome to see you spending time with your little one! Enjoy it!


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