Monday, March 15, 2010

Past winners Leor Pantilat and Joell Vaught repeat at 2010 Way Too Cool

Leor Pantilat won for the 2nd year in a row (3:41:47), aided by a wrong turn by leader Geoff Roes (who still finished third in 3:51:51), and out-kicking Max King (2nd, 3:47:39). Joelle Vaught, who won in 2006, ran alone in first most of the race to win (4:13:53) after key rival Kami Semick dropped from stomach issues and flu-like symptoms. Bev Anderson-Abbs came in 2nd female/1st masters (4:29:40), a very strong performance just a few weeks after running a 50-miler, and Darcy Africa was 3rd  (4:37:12).

It's definitely worth reading the SacBee story and Leor's account to get a full picture of this great race in the mud. Or you can read the account from the man-sized banana at the Hwy 49 crossing. Congrats everyone!


  1. There was definitely some mud out there! I posted some pics from the hwy 49 aid station.
    How did I miss the banana man???

  2. Geoff Ross' account

    great insight into where his head was after the race and how surprised he was to have "50k speed"


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