Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Raven Craft - The Man Who Ran 100,000 Miles

On March 29th, 2009, Robert "Raven" Craft hit an incredible milestone. By running eight miles a day for 34 consecutive years (all on sand, mind you), he completed 100,000 miles! And then kept going. Will the real Forrest Gump please stand up!

ESPN did the following piece of this fascinating guy and his lifelong obsession. Now THAT'S dedication. You can see a cleaner version of the video on his Web site.

And here's the original Forrest Gump footage, played to the soundtrack of A Flock of Seagulls.


  1. I checked out the Dean Karno blog entries you have and I don't understand why the other elite runners don't like him. So far I haven't heard or read that Dean said anything negative about Jurek, Meltzer or even Krupica. Dean is doing his own thing, because he's probably bored of just doing Ultra running events. Plus, he's making some good money while he runs, more power to him. If I could make a living running I would be thrilled. I am amazed at Krupica's speed and the mileage that he does every week, and that's his thing. -Marco Denson

  2. I like that he started doing this run for the discipline. I get a lot of satisfaction from keeping myself on a training schedule and achieving my goals. Obviously Raven has a extreme personality in which running has filled a void of something else that may have been more detrimental to him. More power to him.

  3. Extreme indeed! I love the part where the reporter says "he avoided jobs, moving, or vacations that might take him away from his 34 year streak". That is some SERIOUS discipline.

    Marco - Dean bashing is one of the greatest mysteries in this sport, I tell you. Check the ultralist - it's weekly commentary and has been for years. But perhaps a little controversy is good to keep the dialog alive.


  4. nice new banner, Scott!

    see ya at peachstone :)

  5. Scott,

    I send you all the positive vibrations from Spain for tomorrow run!!!

    A fellow Ultrarunner named Carlos

  6. Good Luck at WS this weekend!!!

  7. good luck in ws Scott I'll be cheering for you.
    btw, I met Dean twice on races and he is a class act.


  8. Hi Scott,

    Love the blog and have read it for some years now. Congratulations on your finish at WS. I followed you online and was pulling for you.

    Was wondering if you might have member(s) of your crew as guest bloggers to give their perspective on your accomplishment as well. Just a suggestion...

    Again -- great job!


  9. Scott, was a Western States pacing this weekend and want to congratulate you on your effort. I had the pleasure of meeting your wife and daughter in Foresthill and they could not have been more proud of you. Like many of the runners this weekend you had some rough spots to fight through, but seeing that smile on your face when you came down the last straight away said that the effort was worth it. Seeing Koerner and Ortiz fly through Foresthill was awe inspiring, but watching runners gut out 100 miles in triple digit heat trying to get in under 30 hours was goose bump inducing. Congratulations again on your buckle.

  10. Hello. I just started reading your blog on the recommendation of some folks at RunningAHEAD. Good stuff. Keep on writing. I like the way you present your information. This "Raven" story is crazy. I'm excited because I recently started running two days in a row. It's all about perspective I guess.

  11. GREAT JOB at WS!!!! I can't WAIT to read the Race Report (and hopefully see some great pictures!). Again, great job and you should be very proud of your achievement!!



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