Friday, February 22, 2008

Are these runners ultra-tough ... or ultra-crazy? (ESPN)

Jonah Keri from ESPN did a good overview of ultrarunning in a recent online article at ESPN Page 2. Some quotes from Scott Jurek, Dean Karnazes, and Yiannis Kouros, as well as descriptions of the more high profile ultras. I didn't realize there were over 350 ultras run last year! My favorite quote:

"Ultra running is a metaphysical event," (Yiannis) Kouros explained. "If you don't have that kind of idiosyncrasy, you will never become an ultra runner, even if you train all your life. I am one of those people who recommend and try to inspire people to get involved with running. But ultra is not a fun-running sport -- it's only for unique souls."

Ultra is not a "fun running" sport? I think Yiannis needs to slow down and carry a camera. ;-)

Read the whole article here.


  1. If Yiannis slowed down, the post-race food would have gotten too cold. :-)

    Hey Scott, you own a pug right? I'm now a new owner of a puggle (pug/beagle mix) puppy and I'm curious on how your pug is able to run with you. I know the beagle side of my dog is a runner purely by genetics, but the pug side from what I understand is supposed to be more calmer (lap dog). How did you get your pug to be a runner (and an ultrarunner at that)?

    Shoot me an email to jonyoon at gmail pretty please. :-)

  2. To the anonymous poster whose comment I just deleted:

    I welcome comments, even controversial ones, but you will need to sign your name if you're going to take a stance against a person like that.

    Thx, SD


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