Sunday, March 26, 2006

Great Product Idea - The Hitch Safe

Every once in a while, a product comes along that so elegantly solves a problem that you have to think "why didn't I think of that?". I have repeated this epiphany for the last two weeks as I've tried out The Hitch Safe - a small combination lock that fits in the trailer hitch of your car/truck to stash keys. If ever there was a product made for trail runners, hikers, and outdoor enthusiasts, this is it. And I have been pleasantly surprised at how much it came in handy.

(An easy place to stash your keys - The Hitch Safe)

If you're like me, you constantly have the dilemma of "what to do with the car keys" when you're parked at a trailhead. You can stash them in your wheel well, but then you risk car theft. You can take them on the run, but if you lose them, you're toast. So what's a good, secure alternative?

The Hitch Safe solves this by providing a secure, convenient place to stash your keys while you are out on the trail. It does this by turning your trailer hitch into a hidden combo safe. Simple idea, but I was surprised at how many times it came in handy. Here are a few examples of how I used it in the last two weeks:

1) Race day at the Way Tool Cool 50k. Just before the race, I locked my car keys in the Hitch Safe in my parking spot about 1/2 mile from the start. I felt better not carrying my keys with me during the race. It also had another hidden benefit - before the race started, a good friend had mentioned that she had forgotten her Technu for the post-race poison oak scrub down. I told her I had some extra in my car, and if she couldn't find me, just enter the combo on the Hitch Safe and get it. Very handy!

2) Group run at the Marin Headlands. A group run showed me another way the Hitch Safe is helpful. We put all of our car keys in the Hitch Safe before our run, and put in a new combination that we all knew. Now it didn't matter who was back first, they would be able to get in their car, as well as get all the food stashed in my car. An easy solution to group run coordination.

3) Car drop-off/pick up. I'm not if I mentioned this, but Christi and I were involved in a car accident while driving through the snow on I-80 after the Way Too Cool. So now her car is in the shop and we have to share the truck. Since the key is always with the car, we've been able to use the Hitch Safe to facilitate a car drop-off. I can leave it somewhere close to where she will be later in the day, and she can easily get the key and drive it home.

I thought this was going to be one of those crazy gifts I never used, but I have been pleasantly surprised at how much it has come in handy. It took about 2 minutes to install. I thought I would share the experience with y'all in case you hadn't heard of it. You can buy them online at for $89.95.

Let me know if you have questions!

Thx, SD


  1. That is a good idea. But what aabout those of us with no trailer hitch???


  2. I was actually pleasantly surprised how heavy duty the HitchSafe is. There's no way someone is going to get my key out of it without some major tools. It's also very easy to use. Both my wife and daughter have no problems opening it in a couple of seconds. Now I've got peace of mind when these two are out and about.
    Mark L

  3. I concur with Larry. I like the idea, but those of us without hitches need something :)

  4. Good thoughts, Larry and Jessica. Do you think there's a similar spot on your cars to put something like this? If so, let them know your thoughts!

    Thx, SD

  5. Scott - that is a good question. Maybe a magnetic box that locks. You could stash it inside your wheel well. Sure, someone could steal the whole box, but why would they do that if they can't get the key out? I guess it's just one step up from leaving your keys loose in your wheel well.. That's all I got :(

  6. What a very cool idea!

    It's been a while since I've been able to run, but it was always a problem trying to figure out where to keep my key. We still go hiking and this will do it to ensure that there is still a key back at the vehicle no matter what. Thanks for this great idea!

  7. Scott- Just want to say I enjoy your blog- read it a few times a week. I ran Way Too Cool, my son is also going to run Boston Marathon -good luck there!!!!

  8. Scott, that really is a cool idea.


  9. For those without hitches, GE (Storakey) makes one for the window:

  10. Awesome product! I bought mine for $69.95 on In the past I always kept a spare key with one of those magnet things but they had a problem of falling off! Very well designed, solid product. Thanks for the tip!!

  11. This is a good Idea but be careful with your hitch safe. I had mine only one month before it was easily pryed off and thank god my spare key wasn't in it or my new tahoe would be in Mexico right now. If I was you I'd be careful who sees the safe and I wouldn't keep a spare in it unless you have too.

  12. I saw an advertisement in a Scuba Diving Magazine for the HitchSafe and I knew it was something I needed to carry in my dive shop and on my shoping site.

    Divers have similar issues to runners when it comes to what to do with your keys while you scuba dive. The HitchSafe is perfect.

  13. Forgot to put a link to HitchSafe on my website.


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