Thursday, December 22, 2005

Becky Harman stands out among New York elite athletes

The Ithaca Journal recognized ultrarunner Rebecca Harman as one of the outstanding local athletes in the New York area. Becky had an amazing season, include setting course records (and top three finishes) at the Highland Forest 1-2-3 (30 miler), Finger Lake 50k, and Mendon Trail 50k. She also won her third straight Finger Lakes snowshoe championship, competed in the Tinman and Lake Placid Ironman triathlons, and was named Ultra Runner of the Year by the Western New York Ultra Series. Way to go Becky!

(Becky Harman at the Mendon Trail Runs; photos courtesy of
Deb Wyspianski of the Greater Rochester Track Club)

You can read more about Becky and other NY all-stars here. The Western New York Ultra Series write-up can be found here.


  1. Scott, totally off-subject regarding your post, but I have a question about the Inov-8s. Have you tried them in 50-100 mile races yet? And if so, how did they feel? I'm probably going to buy the Flyrocs, but Trail Runner Mag says they're not good for ultras. I had the Montrail Masai before and had more than enough support and cushioning for 50 miles.

  2. Inov-8 Flyrocs have definitely proved their 100 mile worthiness at Leadville, Hardrock, etc. over the last few years. I run in them for 30-50 miles regularly and they've been great.

    That being said, you certainly want the shoe that works for you on the long races. It's also smart to consider the terrain. Try out a couple of different pair, and whatever keeps your mind off your shoes/feet the longest is probably your best bet.

    Good luck on your races! Let me know when you write them up so I can link away...



  3. hola amiga, soy Irene Hernandez Calderon de Campeche Mexico, buscame en el faceboock no se como comunicarme contigo, ahora vivo en Oaxaca, saludos!!!


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