Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Vote for the race composition of the Utah Grand Slam

I'm passing on this e-mail from the Wasatch Running Center, the new directors for the Utah Grand Slam. If any of you are thinking of doing some of the fantastic Utah races that make up the Grand Slam, please send in your vote by Jan 22nd to



Dear Grand Slammers -

We would like to inform you that we, the Wasatch Running Center, have taken over the responsibility of putting on the Utah Grand Slam starting this year. If you haven't heard of us, we are a new running specialty store located in Sandy. We have been open for over ten months now and look forward to staying in business for a long time. We talked with the Park City Marathon this past year and they decided that it was also in their best interest for us to take it over.

With the Salt Lake City Marathon being held last year, that has thrown a kink into the works. Some have expressed opinion of not adding the marathon to the Grand Slam while others want to include it. This is where we need your help. The decision is up to you! This email is going out to all those who have run the Grand Slam in the past. We have narrowed it to three choices and depending on your feedback, we will choose the one that most people desire.

Here are your choices for the Utah Grand Slam 2005:
- Run all six marathons in the state: Salt Lake, Ogden, Park City, Des News, Top of Utah, and St. George
- Run five marathons except for Salt Lake
- Run five marathons except for Top of Utah

Those are your choices. Now it is up to you. Please email us at this email address to let us know what you think. We are going to give everyone a chance to respond until the 22nd of January and then we will let everyone know what the schedule will be for this year's Grand Slam. Just to let everyone know, we are going to charge $40.00 for this year's Slam. We have also negotiated with Top of Utah, Park City, Ogden, and Des News and they have all agreed to give you anywhere from a $5 to $8 discount on your registration. Salt Lake will not have a discount but possibly will have a booth or some sort of special deal for Grand Slammers. Also, if you complete the entire Grand Slam up to St. George, they have given us notice that you will be guaranteed a spot into the marathon. We will ask for your entry fee into the Grand Slam following the final decision at the end of next week.

Other information is that we plan to have a booth at every marathon and at each marathon, we will raffle off a free pair of shoes for a man and a woman. We hope that all this information will help and you'll consider doing the Grand Slam this year. We hope to make it a great event.

At the same time, if you haven't visited our store yet, we invite you to. We are located at 8946 South State in Sandy right off the 90th South exit on I-15. Also as a bonus, we will give a 10% off discount to all Grand Slammers throughout the Grand Slam season. If you have any questions, you can email us here. Best of luck with your training and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

Darrell Phippen
Wasatch Running Center
8946 South State Street
Sandy, UT 84070


  1. Scott -- I'm enjoying this! I'm pacing a friend for the last 40 miles of the Rocky Racoon 100 in Huntsville this February, and am making tentative plans for my own first ultra (LBJ Grasslands 50 miler) in late March. I have run nine marathons and one trail half, plus too many other races to count.

    My own blog is less about training nuts & bolts and more "philosophical" in nature ... I'll definitely keep reading yours.


    Dallas, TX

  2. Ed - Congrats to you (and your friend) on your ultra challenges! It's friends like you that will pace for 40 miles that make a 100-miler possible. I'm sure with that experience under your belt, you'll knock off the 50 with no problem.

    Be sure to leave a link to your blog next time you leave a comment - I would love to check it out!

    Cheers, SD

  3. Scott: Thanks for responding; sorry -- thought I posted a link to my blog. Not sure how all this works, but here goes:

    Enjoyed your latest posts, esp. the interview.


I LIVE for comments! Please add your thoughts, let me know you stopped by, etc., and be thoughtful of others. Always best if you sign your name, of course.