Sunday, March 07, 2004

The Skyline Ridge 10k Trail Run, March, 2004

This race is one of the first in the Trail Runner Magazine Trophy Series ( that runs from March to September, put on by the folks at Redwood Trails. I ran the 10k option (there was also a 1/2 marathon and 5k).

Skyline Ridge is in the Santa Cruz Mountains, just above Palo Alto. Most of the race is crossing the grassy fields on tight single track, on the west side of the hills in Skyline Ridge and Russian Ridge Open Space Preserves. Those who had done there speed work made good use of the many switchbacks. We lucked out with perfect weather – sunny and 70 degrees - and about 100 of us showed up to race. I suspect my fellow racers in Whistler, Denver, and NY aren’t quite out of the snow yet.

The race went well (I placed first overall), which puts me on the TRM scoreboard. It’s a long season, however, so no need to break out the champagne yet! I didn’t feel anyone on my shoulder until the last half mile, and when I crossed the finish line and turned to shake his hand he had already left for his SECOND LAP. Apparently he was doing the half marathon. Doh! I’m going to have to keep my eye out for Malcolm Dunn. He ended up finishing the ½ marathon at a faster pace than I did the 10k.

I’m quite sore from this race as well – more than usual. I think sprinting down a trail is pretty tough on the body. There’s a lot of racing to go…I should probably get better at understanding who I’m running against so I don’t risk everything to beat a guy who isn’t even in my race. ;oP

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